PVCHK 香港工業專業評審局 Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries

Youth Nurturing Scheme >

About the scheme

1. In partnership with the Vocational Training Council (VTC)

The Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries (PVCHK) partnered with the Vocational Training Council (VTC) to launch the YEUNG Kin-man Industrial Training Scheme. Industrial attachments, competitions, company visits and talks have since been arranged to familiarize local students with industry developments and operations.


Target segment

What is it about

Activity What is it about
Industrial lectures The lectures will be held twice a year. Industrial elites will be invited to be the speakers. They will discuss the industry with the students from their first-hand experience to help them understand their future and career development and also train them in abilities like leadership and coping skill.
Enterprise visits VTC students and pupils, principals and careers masters of secondary schools will be arranged to visit Mainland enterprises and attend local industrial talks to familiarize them with industrial development trends on the Mainland. This will also enhance the students’ interest in entering the industrial sector.
Industrial study project and competition This activity is targeting higher diploma students of the Business Administration and Information Technology Disciplines of IVE. Students will form themselves into groups of 4 to 5 persons each to undertake a research project on a theme of their choice. PVCHK will arrange for veteran industry personnel to provide recommendations on the research project.
Industrial attachment and          Industry-based Student Project Scheme Students of the IVE Engineering Discipline will be arranged to join a Mainland attachment scheme. IVE will select eight full-time year two higher diploma in engineering students for internship at Mainland manufacturing firms. After internship, Students have to undertake a research study to complete the whole scheme.
One-year industrial development scheme Students who subsequently get hired full-time by the internship firm will be eligible to join a one-year industrial development scheme under which they will work in the engineering or other departments of the firm and be granted HK$25,000 on completion of the term. A quota of three places will be made available under this scheme.


2. Organising the Product Design and Video Competition with the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Thei)

The YEUNG Kin-man Industrial Training Scheme is collaborating with THEi to organize the Product Design and Video Competition, with five industries (Furniture, Toy, Watch, 3D Printing and Eyewear industry) as its theme, aiming at helping students learn more about the current industrial development trends, equipping them with knowledge about career planning, and enhancing their interest in entering the industrial sector.